Des and Ruth West
Des was our first club patron. Both Des and Ruth had been associated with our club from it’s inception in 1991 and participated in club activities and management.
Sadly, Des passed away 24th August 2013.
Ruth continued as our patron until April 2018 when she decided it was time to pass the mantle to someone new. We thank Des and Ruth for their many years of membership and service to our club.

Sadly, Des passed away on Saturday, 24th August 2013.
Vale Des West
Des West Story
Jim Pope
With Ruth standing down Jim was nominated and accepted the role of Patron in April 2018.
For those who don’t know Jim personally, you may have noticed him at many of our events with a camera (or several) taking happy snaps and many of the photos on this website are thanks to him.
Click here for a link to Jim’s Yellow Duck Motorsport website.