
A new year and with a bit of luck a good year for club events without the virue and weather playing a part.

AHRG Promo video

Events 2024

AHRG Events:

The following dates have been forwarded to Motorsport Australia;

Sun 14th April – Fluffy Duck, Go to the events then past events page for more details)

Sat 22nd June – Des West Winter Classic (Go to the events page for more details)

Sat 10th August – Heart of the Hunter (Go to the events page for more details)


Sun 13th October – Even Green Memorial (Go to the events page for more details)

Rego Runs;

Sat 30th November – Christmas Rego Run

Events of interest.

Tour of the Sun Shine State – 14th to 17th August – Historic Rally Club of NSW/ACT

Videos For video of events go to www.yellowduckmotorsport.com click on, Rallies, Links or Interviews. or go to youtube@jimpope9410

Club Committee Meetings
Club meetings are held at Club Macquarie – Argenton on the 2nd Tuesday of alternate months at 7:00pm (Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec), all members welcome.

DATE CHANGE re; August meeting see below now 6th August

Next meeting – Tuesday 6th August – Club Macquarie, Argenton at 7.00pm (Check before attending in case of last minute changes)

2024 Meeting Dates

Tuesday 6th August

Tuesday 8th October

Tuesday 10th December

Club Badges

Have you see any of our members with a name badge at an event lately?

Badges are available for all members, just send a request to the club secretary.

Club Shirts

Club Polo Shirts are now available to members for $35.

Contact Secretary/Treasurer.

Classic Cars – Prestige Events